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UKTram Newsletter September 2020 Tuesday September 15, 2020

A new newsletter has been launched by UKTram to help keep members up to date on the organisation’s work across a wide range of projects and initiatives.

In his introduction to the newsletter, Managing Director James Hammett thanks members for their contributions over the last 12 month and in helping UKTram deliver a sector-wide response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“While it continues to be a trying and busy time for us all, these unprecedented circumstances have seen the sector come together in a way that will help us build for the future,” he says.

Mr Hammett also provides an update on the organisation’s progress towards fulfilling the five key areas covered in its three-year business plan and the publication of its revised plans plan for 2021.

The newsletter also contains news of projects from the UKTram Centre of Excellence and a report from the Marketing, Communications and Customer Services Group as well as Engineering and Operations updates.