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New working group for HR professionals Monday February 15, 2021

The launch of a new UKTram working group has seen HR professionals from across the light rail sector commit to sharing best practice on training, recruitment and employment issues.

Representatives from Edinburgh Trams, Manchester Metrolink, West Midlands Metro, Croydon, Sheffield Supertram and Blackpool Transport joined the group’s first online meeting last week, and each gave an update on the challenges they’ve faced through the pandemic.

Topics covered included staff Covid-19 testing, furlough, vaccinations and recovery plans and future meetings are set to look at employee engagement, recruitment post-pandemic, the kick-start programme and National Occupational Standards.

Jamie Swift, Marketing and Commercial Manager at UKTram, explained: “It was fantastic to see so many colleagues from across the sector keen to drive the HR group forward and it proved impossible to cover all discussion topics in just 90 minutes.

“As a result, a second meeting is planned for March 16 and we are keen to hear from other members who would like to join the group which aims to raise the profile of HR within light rail whilst sharing best practice.”

Anyone who would like to join the group and attend the meeting should email Jamie at